Stephanie Mitchell Fitness

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Road to Sobertown

Greetings. In addition, to being a wife, mom, trainer, recreational athlete, I am also someone who is digging deep to look at her relationship with alcohol.

In May, I began to take a hard look at things and it has been interesting to see what has come from some reflection. Please know I am not claiming to be sober at this time, this blog reflects the road to sobertown.

I am uncertain if I will ultimately be 100% sober or if I will just work towards a moderation that I can sustain over the long term. At any rate, if you are interested in learning more, check out

You can see an excerpt here. 

Thanks for taking a moment to pop in and read Road to Sobertown. This blog is 44 years in the making—even if I didn’t know it!

This week, I was inspired to go public with what I’ve been going through for a few years (in my head) when a dear friend shared an article from the Washington Post about women being “sober curious,” or taking a break from alcohol. The article hit me like a ton of bricks and I was like, “Holy smokes, this is me.” 

I know this is oftentimes a very private matter. For better or worse, I have never been one to shy away from talking about a tough subject. In my opinion, it’s time to have this conversation openly. I know there are more people out there who feel the same way. My recent Facebook post about this topic gave people a chance to respond to me privately and openly. What a gift to read what friends from all times and areas of my life had to say! (To each of you, I am grateful.)

For the last four years, I have questioned if I have a problem with alcohol. I’ve had conversations in my head, with my therapist and with my family and friends. Still, I played hard and—admittedly—had a whole bunch of fun. I feel like my life revolved around how much I could drink at night and still do what I needed to do the next day. It wasn’t every night, but it was often enough for me to notice. However, in recent months, it’s become clear that it was time for ol’ Steph-dog to make a change. The image in my head this week has been of Julia Roberts in the film Steel Magnolias saying, "Daddy, it's time!" And indeed, it is time. 

This blog will be a place for me to reflect on my past and my current journey. A place to share the thoughts, feelings, emotions and everything that comes with changing a big part of who I have been for the last 20+ years.

This is a place where I want folks to feel connected and lifted up. There will be NO SHAMING here. Here, we can talk openly about our successes and struggles as well as share things that help support one another.

Welcome to Sobertown.

I am in no way a therapist or social worker. Please know that first and foremost. I am simply a wife and momma who’s just trying to do her best each day and live her best life.

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