SMF Blog
Wellbeing insights and tips. Subscribe to my blog!
Reflections of a Dry’ish January
As the year began, I noticed a common theme among clients and friends: many were diving into Dry January or a modified version, like Damp January. Inspired by their commitment, I decided to join in.
The Changes of Menopause
There are so many changes that our bodies go through during the menopause transition. Here are a few that you may want to be aware of.
Make Yourself a Priority with Attainable Goals
Self-cafe is essential as you go through menopause. However, it is important to have practices that are sustainable, measurable and feasible. Set you self up for success.
It’s me, hi, I’m the trainer its me…
SMF is slowly making a comeback. I am excited to share what I have learned over the past year and get to the wonderful community we have created.
Good Grief
Grief appears in many ways in midlife. From the loss of a parent, to children growing and moving away, relationships evolving or ending to the changes in our bodies and how we see the world, grief can be present.
Finding and Choosing Joy
Springtime in DC means Cherry Blossom season and it is simply one of my most favorite times of the year.
Lessons Learned from My New Program Launch
Thanks to those that have been with me these last 8 weeks as I finally made a program come that had been in the works for quite some time finally come to reality.
Friday, the 13th-A Whole New Meaning
Friday, March 13th, 2020 was a day like no other for many of us.
It Takes Two (To Put a Bra On Right!) -A Product Review
I wanted to share with you my review of the Athleta Phenomena bra. Please know I love all Athleta products.
Trust the Process-A Reflection
Caterpillars turn into butterflies without worrying about their patterns, colors on their wings or how big their wings will be. They just do their thing and #trusttheprocess. #timetofly
Midlife Madness
Don’t think of them as hot flashes! Think of them as short, private vacations in tropical locations! (Welcome to Midlife Isle, weary traveler!)
Loving Your Workout
Raise your hand if you’ve ever hated working out. Yup, I see you out there, slogging it out on an elliptical just because it’s supposed to be good for you. Did you know that the treadmill was once a criminal sentence?
Winter's Retreat
Like many, I love the winter months because they cause us to slow down and rest. We are able to retreat with the intention of showing up in the spring refreshed and renewed.
The Gift of a Morning Ritual
Back in March when things changed, I decided I was going to use that time to make a few changes in my daily habits. On Monday, March 16th, I got up at 5am. The day began with meditation, a shower, coffee, breakfast and then writing my workouts for the class I taught on Facebook Live and the workouts I would have my clients do during virtual sessions.
"Send In the Clowns"
“What’s up goofy?”
“You are one of the craziest girls I have ever met.”
“I am glad she is leaving the dance team because she is loud and obnoxious and gets on my nerves.”
Class clown , PHS, Class of 1993
Lessons from 2020 and looking ahead to 2021
As many of you know, I write myself a “thank you” letter during the month of December for the year ahead. It is a way for me to focus my goals and set intentions for the following year. I have kept up this tradition for the last several years.
"Stephcation"- A Self-Care Weekend
My loves. I hope each of you are doing well. How are you adjusting to fall schedules? How are your spirits? Are you feeling Strong, Mindful and Feisty? Or are you feeling run down, overwhelmed and anxious?
Mindfulness through Menopause
To the menopausal woman, it may feel as if our bodies are working against us.
Sundays with Stephanie-Do What You Can
“Do What You Can” feels as though it has been my mantra since the end of February. My workout regimen changed dramatically with a plantar fasciitis diagnosis. There was no running or cycling for quite some time as I began physical therapy. Therapy stopped suddenly due to Covid, just like everything else. At that point, I did what I could on my own to help aid in recovery. Additionally, I had to figure out what to do for working out.
Strength Through Menopause
For you, my fabulous female friends, this week I have a call to action. This week, I want you to practice showing up feisty—lively, determined, courageous.
Menopause...Here We Come!
As we enter the stage of perimenopause, our hormones will fluctuate and cause us to experience a wide variety of symptoms.
Let's Get Feisty
For you, my fabulous female friends, this week I have a call to action. This week, I want you to practice showing up feisty—lively, determined, courageous.
Let's Get Strong!
You are more than a number on a scale. Read that again. You are more than a number on scale. So much more! I have spent so much of my life trying to look a certain way or achieve a magic number on a scale. I always thought it would get me something or somewhere. All it did was cause me angst and anxiety.
SMF: At the Core and from the Heart
SMF is driven by that passion I feel to lift women up.
Life Lessons Learned from Training and Racing
Being a business owner in a pandemic has a few challenges to overcome.
Online Community Resources: Updated 4/8
There is an online wellness community here to help you.
Sundays with Stephanie-Dry Needling!
Hello and welcome to SMF weekly run down. I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying the weather. Here is DC today, the weather is about as perfect as it can be.
"Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break-A My Stride" - Dealing with A Running Injury
Hey there running peeps. How is your week? Are you enjoying some milder temps?
Strong, Mindful, Feisty and Fit Over 40!
“By choosing healthy over skinny you are choosing self-love over self-judgment. You are beautiful!”
Sundays with Stephanie- Alright
This week started off with a bang , but had a rapid decline due to just feeling lousy with a cold that has lingered a little too long.
Sundays with Stephanie- Good Vibrations
This week started off with a bang , but had a rapid decline due to just feeling lousy with a cold that has lingered a little too long.
Sundays with Stephanie- Get The Party Started
This week was filled with pure joy as I got back out there on the trails to run with friends.
Sundays with Stephanie-I'm So Excited
This week was filled with pure joy as I got back out there on the trails to run with friends.
Celebrate Your Life
Greetings and happy 2020! I hope the holidays were kind to all of you in body, mind and spirit.
Let’s Get Ready to Rock 2020!
Good morning SMF’ers. Who is pumped for not only a new year, but a whole new decade?
Road to Sobertown
In addition to be a wife, mom, trainer, recreational athlete, I am also someone who is digging deep to look at her relationship with alcohol.
Stephanie’s Story
Hi! My name is Stephanie Mitchell and I am thrilled at the possibility of working with you on your health, fitness and wellness goals.