Sundays with Stephanie-March Madness

Happy Sunday dear friends in fitness. I can’t believe March is here! How is everyone feeling? Are you ready for some spring racing? Are you ready for warmer temps and to see some flowers blooming?

I have to say, the end of February ended a little like it began for me. In the beginning of the month I participated in a trail race and was so pumped for he season ahead. At that race, I rolled my ankle and it forced me to rest a few days.

Next on tap was 2 weeks of being sick with sinus infection and bronchitis. Again, very little working out/running. Well, I kid you not, this Wednesday, I woke up to get out of bed and go run but a sharp pain in my heel took my breath away.

(Now, truth be told, I had had pain and tightness in my calf and foot for months but ignored it…bad Stephanie). So, I did not run but did manage to make an appointment to see a doctor and got diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and a cracked bone spur. He told me not to run for a 4-6 weeks (GASP). I can begin to bike in 2 weeks. On tap for me is a bunch of Physical Therapy and some great deep tissue massage.

I have very mixed feelings about this diagnosis and it is forcing me to rest a bit. There is a part of me that is very sad. I had several races coming up in Myrtle Beach, Emerald Isle and here in DC. There is a small chance I may get to do the GW Classic 5k.

There is also a part of me that welcomes one less thing to think about as I am currently working on a few projects that are keeping me on my toes. I welcome a little extra free time.

The one thing that I wrestle with is the feeling of being a wimp and not brut forcing my way through things to keep going. I know I need to slow down, to rest and get better. There is a part of me that thinks “are you just trying to get out of something?” I kind of feel like I am giving up.

I know deep down this is not the case, but I hate the feeling of not being able to do something I want to do. The 4 weeks of PT will hopefully get me back to good and I will be back out there soon. After all, Cherry Blossom season is coming up and I HAVE to run around the tidal basin to see my Cherry Blossoms.

I do wonder, how you deal with an injury? What do you do with some extra time? Do you feel the same way as I do?

At any rate, here is the run down of the week. Here is to a new week and a new month. It’s only going to go up from here.


The weather was perfect for a 3 mile run around a track. It felt awesome to run.


Speed work happened on a treadmill as the weather outdoors was unfavorable. Next up was my noon LIFT class. We had some good tunes and I called the class “CLUB LIFT.” The class focused on super sets for the upper body. #beastmode

So happy to get some speed work in today.


This morning, I woke up and oh lawdy!!! The pain as I stepped out of bed was really special. Instead of running, I met with the doctor who gave me the diagnosis and told me not to run. Here is my current situation.



Treatment began for this momma who has no plan to waste a minute. I met with Megan, my massage therapist, and she worked hard on my left leg. The calf was nice and tight. Megan worked her magic and I started to feel some relief.


I focused on work. As always, it was a pleasure to work with some fun ladies. We used my TRX mount and attached some strength bands. I love these bands as they are cost effective, easy to use for resistance training and are portable. During this workout, they were used for rows.

Sue and Deb had a solid workout. They crushed it!


I crushed sitting on the sidelines watching my teen play during a soccer tournament. He is one of the goalies so my nerves are generally a mess. His team won both games so we were over the moon. Hoping the Sunday games are victorious as well.

Moving into March…

As we move into March, the races I had planned for are now not happening. The nice thing is, I have a little extra free time. My plan is to tackle physical therapy and focus a lot on my business as it grows. Currently, I am working on a few certifications. (I have my work cut out for me.) So, I will make the most of this time. My goal will be to stay positive and get better so I can enjoy spring running/jogging/slogging in late April or early May. May each of you stay healthy and positive. I wish you all a wonderful week. Hugs and high fives!

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

"Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break-A My Stride" - Dealing with A Running Injury


Strong, Mindful, Feisty and Fit Over 40!