Celebrate Your Life

Greetings and happy 2020! I hope the holidays were kind to all of you in body, mind and spirit.

I was able to spend some time reading over the break which was truly wonderful. Reading is absolutely one of my favorite pastimes. Shawn Achor authored the book “Big Potential” and I felt this was a perfect first book for the new year, not too mention, the new decade.

On page 126, Shawn writes about his interview with Oprah for her Super Soul Sunday podcast/show. Oprah says to Shawn, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate.” I thought to myself, “HECK YES!”

It seems as though oftentimes we get caught up in what we don’t do well or how we screwed up each day. In other words, we have a negativity bias because we focus on the negative. If we could take time to celebrate in some small way the things we get right or do well, that sets us up for more things to celebrate. Perhaps we can all give this a try in the coming days weeks and months.

So I will kick off 2020 by celebrating the fact that since January 1st I have:

  • I have not consumed a drink of alcohol (this is the beginning of a 3-4 month commitment to myself).

  • I have had one salad a day.

  • I have restricted my time on social media.

  • I launched my new website (and I am so happy).

  • I have enjoyed downtime with family every night.

These may seem silly to others, but these are the things I am celebrating thus far. I am not going to dwell on the things that have not happened. So my sweet friends, let’s choose to celebrate our lives and praise ourselves for what we have done well or right and continue to do this all year long. Sending love.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.


Sundays with Stephanie-I'm So Excited


Let’s Get Ready to Rock 2020!