Sundays with Stephanie-I'm So Excited

This week was filled with pure joy as I got back out there on the trails to run with friends. It was also a whole bunch of fun to do some strength training in my new workout space at home (where I work out as well as see personal training clients) and I got to be with my SparkYoga tribe to teach a few LIFT classes.

The week felt incredible and I have to say that I feel very excited about the season ahead. Check out the good times I got to have this past week.


My friend Jenny and I got out there for a long run. She was doing her last long run before the New Orleans Rock-N-Roll half coming up and I was getting out on the trails for only the 3rd time since the Rehoboth Beach Half on December 7th. I was so nervous to get back out there, but the hardest part id always getting out the door. Once I was on the trails, I was happy as a pig in dirt!


I did 45 minutes of strength training on my own and taught my Monday night LIFT class. We had a ball.


I just taught my Tuesday @ Noon LIFT class. The class was an awesome group and we decided that for next class, we wanted a Pointer Sisters/Donna Summer/Tina Turner playlist. I got home and started to plan immediately.


This was a short run as the weather was nice and I just wanted to be outside to soak it up. I taught LIFT again at 5:30pm and check out the fun music we listened too. There was a lot of singing and laughing while we lifted.


I got up nice and early to join my friend Liz for an easy 4 mile run. It always feels good to get back into the swing of things. The best part about the run is that we end with what we call the “Bucklew Beast.” It’s a good size hill and on this particular morning I challenged myself to get farther up the hill than normal. Victory at 6:40am felt damn good.


I had to recover from one heck of a deep tissue massage that I received Thursday afternoon. It was all about snuggling with Ozzy today. I love a rest day, don’t you?


I am currently coaching a newer runner to run the GW Parkway Classic that is being held this April 26th (hosted by This will be her first race, not to mention her first 10 miler! She had her longest run this Saturday and she looked happy the whole time. I was so darn proud of her. I was happy to meet her as if I hadn’t, I am not sure I would have gotten out on the trails. My little 4 legged buddy was up a lot of the night with an upset belly. Thank goodness for running tribes.

I hope all of you had a wonderful week and 2020 has been good to you so far. I can’t wait to connect with you next week!

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Sundays with Stephanie- Get The Party Started


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