Sundays with Stephanie- Alright

Hey friends in fitness. I can’t believe we are getting ready to start the last week of February.

We have been lucky with the weather this month in the DMV (DC, Maryland and Virginia) and the temps have been mild. Hoping this trend continues.

Running has had a slow start this month. I have a few running events coming up in March and I am not going to be as prepared as I would like to be. Most likely, I will treat all the March races I had planned for as long training runs.

Last week, I wrote about being sick and taking a few days off. Well, it continued into this week.

Mid-week, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and bronchitis. I was just so happy to get on medication, feel better and sleep through the night. I covet sleep and it doesn’t happen, I don’t thrive. So here is to feeling alright and getting back on the running wagon.

Sunday and Monday

We were away for the weekend and traveled home Monday. I was sick and could not do much of anything but lay around.


I was feeling somewhat decent and decided to go to the gym and do my speed workout (it certainly did not help things). I got the run in and was just happy to do something. Do you ever get antsy when you can’t move your body?

I also had to teach LIFT today. Lots of fun but my voice started to go again. YIKES! We enjoyed music by Janet Jackson. Check out the fun playlist.



I managed to teach three classes today. There was a circuit and 2 LIFT classes. In between classes, I went to the dr and got the diagnosis and was just happy to know I wasn’t being a wimp. Let the medication do the magic.

I love my Spark Lift crew on Wednesday at 5:30pm.


I did some strength training today but no running.


Today, I finally got a 25 minute run in. It was nice and easy. I was happy to get out there and just move the body. Before the run, I worked for a few hours and had the pleasure to train some super friendly faces.


Weather was perfect in NYC. To Kill a Mockingbird was wonderful with Ed Harris as Atticus Finch.

This was a day I had been looking forward to for quite some time. A few girlfriends and I went to NYC via the train and took in a show and dinner. The weather was perfect. I wanted nothing more than to get a run in through Central Park, but it wasn’t in the cards this trip Nonetheless, there was lots of walking around town and we enjoyed every moment.

It will be great to be back to 100% very soon. As I write this, the sun is shining and I am getting ready to do a slow run. Fingers crossed for healthy week and completing all the scheduled workouts. Wishing all of you a wonderful week. XO

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Strong, Mindful, Feisty and Fit Over 40!


Sundays with Stephanie- Good Vibrations