Sundays with Stephanie-Do What You Can

It has been a while since I have joined you for Sundays with Stephanie, the Sunday morning blog. I have missed you and am happy to be with this morning.

“Do What You Can” feels as though it has been my mantra since the end of February. My workout regimen changed dramatically with a plantar fasciitis diagnosis. There was no running or cycling for quite some time as I began physical therapy. Therapy stopped suddenly due to Covid, just like everything else. At that point, I did what I could on my own to help aid in recovery. Additionally, I had to figure out what to do for working out. 

One thing I began to do was teach Sunrise Strength classes at 7am each day via FB Live. That helped to keep me moving and provided a service once things began shut down. Everyone went into “Do What You Can” mode. It was wonderful to see so many folks come together. March seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?

Here we are in October and I am finally beginning to walk/jog/run and cycle more now that everything seems to be healed. It feels so good. “Do What You Can” still has some significance since my fitness level is not what it was earlier this year. I feel like I am starting from scratch, but I am taking it in stride. Each day, I do what I can.

This past week felt great as it seemed to feel a little more normal to me. The kids seems to be settled in virtual school. My husband has his office set up in the basement. My work is going well and I feel lucky to be able to see clients in person, outside at my house. In addition to all of these things, I am beginning to jog a little and cycle more. Thank goodness.

In person HITT classes (small group-max of 4) have been on the schedule since the start of September. I loved seeing folks in person. Lastly, I am also now taking some tennis lessons. That has been a hoot. I feel like I may be settling into a little groove.

Check out the week.

Monday – Rest day. My parents visited from NC over the weekend. We celebrated my dad’s retirement as well as my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful weekend. 

Tuesday – HITT and Strength class with some strong, mindful and feisty females. 

Wednesday – This fun filled day included a walk with a friend, a tennis lesson with a friend and a HITT class with a great group of ladies.

Tennis love.

Thursday – Every Thursday, I teach a Senior Strength class via Zoom. It has been really wonderful to connect with such a special group of women. I was also able to go for a short walk with Confessions of a Mother Runner’s, Deb. I was so happy to go for this walk as it signaled much progress. Here is why. 

Earlier Thursday afternoon, I had been to the doctor to have my mammoth wart worked on. Every two weeks, since July, I have been going to get this thing frozen and shaved (it sounds worse than it is).

Initially, I thought this wart was a blister on top of a blister. It has been on my baby toe since March. I had changed shoes 4 times thinking that was the problem.

Come to find out, I had a whole toe covered in a dang wart. It was gross and painful. I am embarrassed to write about it, but ultimately figure that others could benefit from reading about this scenario. Hopefully you never deal with this kind of thing. At any rate, the fact that I could walk after this appointment/treatment signals to me that this thing is almost gone. Hooray and thank goodness.

I love the sound of the ocean and the feel of the sand between my toes.

Friday – I taught my 9am HITT and Sculpt via At Home Yoga and Well Being’s new online studio. We have an absolute ball each week. Once my work day was over, I hopped in the car and drove to Emerald Isle, NC. I unpacked quickly and then enjoyed a nice long walk on the beach. That’s my kind of happy hour. 

Saturday – It was the perfect morning for a beach bike ride. The temps were mild and the wind was super calm. What a gift. Once I got home and changed, I went on the beach for a nice long walk. It could not have been a more perfect morning. 

It feels so good to be coming back to the things I love. And a bonus, ”Do What You Can” is now a song by my favorite band, Bon Jovi. How freaking amazing is that? 

Hope you had a wonderful week. Here is hoping we can all “Do What You Can” with your fitness as well as helping others. 

Biking bliss!

Keep Strong, Mindful and Feisty!

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.  

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Mindfulness through Menopause


Strength Through Menopause