Sundays with Stephanie-Dry Needling!

Hello and welcome to SMF weekly run down. I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying the weather. Here is DC today, the weather is about as perfect as it can be.


Today, I had my first session of physical therapy. We got the root of my plantar fasciitis. As I understand it, my hamstrings are over-active. They are a little jacked up which in turn affects my claves. The calves got tight and despite rolling, massage and yoga, I still got injured. So, we began to address good old glute strength so that they fire better and the hamstrings don’t engage first when doing things like running or strength training.

Glute strength is essential for us to stay healthy with running and others sports. I have a feeling I will be getting my fair share of exercises and will be sharing with you all in coming weeks.

One of the exercises today included me on my back with knees up and feet on the table. I would take one leg and let it drop to the side fast and bring it in slow. That will now be a part of the everyday routine.

Drop the knee out.

Slowly bring it back up.


Today, I taught my normal Lift class. We had some fun with renegade rows, chest presses with bands and scissors to work the abs. As always it was a fun group.


Wednesdays are always so fun. Something about the middle of the week that I just love. A client of mine was back from her month away so it was really nice to see her. She did great work for having been a way. A move I had her do (as well a few other clients), was to have one knee on an unstable surface. While focusing on balance, I had clients lift one arm up to do a shoulder press. You have to concentrate on keeping your core strong so you don’t lean to one side. I love this exercise.

For myself, I worked on my therapy exercises and taught Wednesday night LIFT. I used the same music as the day before, but added a few extra songs this week.

Joan, 76, crushing some balance and one arm shoulder presses.

Added more songs to Club Lift mix. Super fun!


Today was another day for therapy. Treatment began with dry needling. Holy smokes! Have you ever experienced this kind of treatment for an injury? I was a bit nervous, but felt it really did the trick. Yes, you could feel the needle deep down, but it only lasted for a second. The ache stays for a bit, but movement and heat helped alleviate the dull aching. My exercises included doing some ankle strengthening and mobility work. I have a tendency to roll my ankles. It happens at least twice a year and could happen on a walk with my family or while running. See below for some pics. We can all use these kinds of exercises.


There was no working out today, but did enjoy a busy day with work. I planned for future programming to happen and I was excited to receive my sweatshirt delivery. These things turned out so dang cute.


Another Saturday meant more soccer for my son. It was a good day and his team won both games. We hope to make it to the finals again tomorrow.

My plan next week is to continue my physical therapy, begin to swim and hop on the bike.

May each of you have a wonderful week. Here is to race season kicking off and everyone staying healthy.

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Sundays with Stephanie-Keep Calm and Prep Like Heck


"Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break-A My Stride" - Dealing with A Running Injury