Sundays with Stephanie-Keep Calm and Prep Like Heck

Good heavens, what a week!Last Sunday feels like it was a year ago, doesn’t it?

I sure hope everyone is doing well and taking care of yourselves. Our kids go out of school on Friday for one month. My kids and I will head to Emerald Isle, NC fo the month to chill. I have always wanted to live at the beach for a month, so this is most certainly making lemonade out of lemons.

This week, in addition to doing a few workouts, teaching classes, working with clients and getting in physical therapy, the other full-time job was prepping for the days and weeks to come. I feel like I hit a store every day. My freezer is packed. Instead of stocking up on toilet paper, I stocked up on ice cream. Priorities, right? I feel like we are ready.

Please know I will be thinking of all of you as we get through this together. Grateful there is blogging and exercise and a supportive community to keep us smiling and healthy.

Here is all the fun stuff that happened last week to take my mind off of what is now our generation’s pandemic.


Way to go Liz!

This morning I met a girlfriend who will do her first sprint try this May 31st (if circumstances allow). It was the first time I had been in the pool in a month, I was worn out at the end of our time but it sure felt good to be back in the pool. Liz did great too. I was very proud of her. She will do great in her first sprint.

We did learn that community centers are closed for a while so, no more swimming for a bit. After swimming, I went off to my son’s soccer tourney and they won for the second weekend in a row. I was really proud to these boys.


Way to go Ian and and ASA Blue 06!

Love being the only one at the track.

This could not have been a more beautiful Monday. I took advantage of the nice weather and did strength work at the track. I sure wish I could have run, but the old foot is still healing.


Today was a super day filled with some of my favorite things. I taught Lift at Noon and of course it was great to get some strength in during lunch time. Then I followed that up with a 90 minute massage. Holy smokes. That was really something. Megan, my therapist worked on my jacked up left leg to get it feeling better. There was a lot of calf, hamstring, glute and foot work. Additionally, she spent some time on the pelvic floor. It took my breath away but I know it did some good.

In the evening, I had physical therapy. That was great as the therapist continued to work on my hamstring, calf and foot. We continued work with strengthening exercises. I love PT because I learn so much that I can share with folks.


I taught 5:30pm Lift and since it was a full class, I did not get to participate as much as I would have liked. The music sure was fun though. I did a Madonna versus Mars Mix. Super fun!


I had a mother physical therapy session today. We did some extra fun strength work with my ankles. I feel like I am progressing along nicely.


Today, I did a lot of exercise as I was working to create some online content. I am not sure which was more difficult, the exercise or video editing. My word, the people that edit deserve every penny they get because it is mind-numbing work. I was hopeful to get some content on a site by the end of the weekend for folks, but I will need more time for sure. I need a tutorial for sure as to how to make this stuff more more smoothly.


I got outside for my first walk with some girlfriends. It felt great. We went at a decent clip. When we are away, I plan to do a lot of walking (or at least as much as my foot can handle). I will need to do my physical therapy on my own since I won’t be able to visit the office.

Well, friends, I am sending you love and well wishes this week. I know things will be a little weird. Know the I am here to support you in any way at all. I will be offering meditation on Monday at 11:30am via zoom. Email me at to get the link and every morning (M-F) I will offer a strength and conditioning class from 7am-7:45am. Let’s stay connected, stay positive and do our best to stay healthy. XO

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Sundays with Stephanie-Making the Best of a Quarantine - Week 1


Sundays with Stephanie-Dry Needling!