Stephanie Mitchell Fitness

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The Gift of a Morning Ritual

Coffee, alone at the table in a fun mug with pretty flowers is a perfect way to begin the day.

Back in March when things changed, I decided I was going to use that time to make a few changes in my daily habits.

On Monday, March 16th, I got up at 5am. The day began with meditation, a shower, coffee, breakfast and then writing my workouts for the class I taught on Facebook Live and the workouts I would have my clients do during virtual sessions. 

I felt like each day I set the tone for my day with this ritual. It was such a gift. With the exception of a few days, I have kept it going. Even on the weekends I get up earlier than the rest of the family to enjoy some quiet time. 

Goddess Power Oracle Deck

In recent months, I have added a few more practices to my morning. These little additions have added value.

I have begun doing a scalp massage with coconut oil before my shower. First, I don’t know many people who don’t like a scalp massage. I would pay to have this done for several hours a day, but until I win the lottery, my little 2-minute morning massage will have to do.

Also, each morning, I pull one oracle card from my deck. Oracle decks can be used as tools for self-reflection. For me, it is fun to see what can be guiding me that day. Surely there is a goddess on my side helping me to live to my fullest each day.

Lastly, I journal, even if only it is a few sentences. I share what’s good, what could be troubling me, if I feel stuck and what I am grateful for. It’s become a way for me to clear my mind before the day begins.   

Over the last several months, the benefits of these morning rituals have been tremendous and positive. I begin each day with a sense of being centered and grounded, and the peaceful feeling lasts well into the day. I will most certainly continue these practices into 2021 and may even add another practice to the mix. 

Do you have a morning ritual? If so, would you share what you do and how it benefits you in the comments below? 

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