Sundays with Stephanie- Get The Party Started

Hello friends. It felt so good to the get the party started for spring time racing this year. I am looking forward to the season ahead and plan to enjoy myself all season long. How are your exercise regimens and goals going? Are you feeling good? How can SMF support you? We hope all of you are feeling strong, mindful, feisty and fit!

Here is recap of my past week. It was a good week overall.


Race season kicked off on 2/2 with the Little Patuxent River train run. A few of us decided to run a little 10k and take in some of mother nature’s beauty. It was a very well run event by Ripit Events and we got lucky with the mild weather. Fun was had by our crew and our medal was a nice water bottle (that has already been stolen my one of my kiddos). If you are a DMV resident, be sure to give Ripit Events a try for one of your events.


Grateful for a scheduled rest day. At the trail race, I managed to roll my ankle a bit and it needed another day to heal. A little R & R and couch cuddling with my pup is perfect, especially after I was up late watching the super bowl.


I just taught my Tuesday @ Noon LIFT class. Had to skip the scheduled track workout as the ankle was still very sore. We also had a rocking play list called Purple vs Pink. Nothing like 45 minutes of Prince and Pink. Lots of singing while lifting. Here is a sample of the fun.


Today I made friends with my bike, again. I am grateful for my friend, Taryn, who was able to come over and help me set up Zwift as well as help me with my Wahoo Kickr set up. It’s been since September that I have ridden by indoor bike so a refresher was needed as technology can overwhelm me. Wednesday night, I taught Lift at 5:30pm and my new fun playlist was themed 80’s pop. We had a ball in class singing. I love this group so much!


Today I did some of my own strength training in my new’ish space. Here are a few photos of what I did. In the coming weeks, I will have a library of videos for folks to use for strength training and conditioning. So excited to have this project moving forward.

Step touch holding heave weight.

(3 x 1 minute)

Alternating reverse lunges with lateral raise.

(3 x 1 minute)

Shoulder press

(3 x 1 minute)

Alternating frontal raises.

(3 x 1 minute)


My goodness, I finally got a run in. I was feeling behind in my efforts due to the rolled ankle and just not being able to make my schedule work this week. This effort was all about multitasking. I was on my way to meet a buddy and decided to run to our meeting. The wind was strong and the air was chilly. I got it done despite the elements not being my favorite.


Saturday was for circuit training. So much fun Here is a sample of what I did:


Jumping Jacks 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Squat Step Touch 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Step, Step (tapping foot behind you R,L) then squat jump 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Mountain Climbers 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds

(Repeat this 2 times)

Upper Body

10 Negative Push Ups

10 Closed Shoulder Presses

10 One arm rows (R,L)

10 bicep curls

10 triceps push ups

(Repeat this as many times as possible in 8 minutes)

Repeat Cardio

Lower Body (Repeat this 2 times)

Alternating reverse lunges for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Narrow squat to side leg lift (alternating sides) for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Plie squat for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Glute Bridge for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

So, there you have it. It was my official 1st week of race season. I am so happy to get things going. My heart is full!
I look forward to next week’s Sunday with Stephanie. LMK how you are doing out there. Let’s cheer each other on and keep each other motivated. Together, we can always achieve more XO

I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Sundays with Stephanie- Good Vibrations


Sundays with Stephanie-I'm So Excited