Sundays with Stephanie-Making the Best of a Quarantine - Week 1

Hey friends in fitness. How is everyone doing? 

It was a week like no other we have experienced. However, we survived week one of some type of quarantine. This week was hard in so many ways. We are all getting used to our new and ever-changing normal.

This is scary, weird and as Brene Brown said in her latest (newest) podcast, it’s our FFT (freaking first time) dealing with a pandemic. Did you allow yourself to feel all the darn feelings? I hope you were kind and patient with yourselves.

If not, you weren’t alone. Many of us had a ton of challenges we had to face this week and some things were easier than others. First, to be super real, I wanted to share a few of my challenges as well as a few victories before heading into the weekly run down. On all fronts, we did our best to make the most of our new way of life.

Challenges and Victories

At the beginning of the year, I decided to not drink for the first 4 months of this year (The quote that is playing over and over in my head right now is from Airplane, where Lloyd Bridges says, “I quit the wrong week to quit drinking.)

The purpose of this was to examine my relationship with alcohol. Well, let’s say, in times like these, I miss the hell out of some beer and wine. If I had not committed to myself to take this break, I would be consuming alcohol like it was my job.  

I would probably be in a constant buzzed state because I have relocated to the beach and generally day drinking began at lunchtime. While not drinking has been a challenge, I have stuck to my guns and am proud of myself. Little, actually, huge ass victory here. 

My other challenge this week was choosing tea over coffee as a part of my morning routine I know this is a small challenge in comparison to many, but it was a change I was trying to make for better health). Coffee is a vehicle for cream and sugar for me. I felt I was starting my day off not in the best way with a sugar rush, therefore, I decided to make a change.

Morning view.

So, this week, I had tea with milk as well as my pre-workout meal of cream of wheat and fruit. I stuck to that every morning and felt solid. I missed the taste of coffee, but the tea is satisfying my desire for a warm drink while sitting on the rocking chair staring at the ocean. 

My challenge to tackle next will be not consuming all the ice cream in the house!!! Holy smokes. I give up alcohol and the dang sweet tooth ramps up.

For someone who loves fitness, I sure did not pay attention to my nutrition after lunchtime. WOW. I won’t share just how over the top I was this week because it is ridiculous.

I tell you only so I can be accountable to you, the reader, next week. I figure, I got the coffee thing and alcohol thing down, I can have help with ice cream, deal?

Of course, there were other challenges that I faced that were similar to you. Jobs shifting, homeschooling kids, not seeing friends and giving/receiving hugs, helping kiddos adjust and so on.

For us it was one day at a time. We did our best to get outside, play games and talk through our feelings and frustrations. Once Matt and Ozzy (our frenchie) arrived to the beach, things felt a little more normal.

What were the challenges you faced this week? How did you handle them? What victories are you celebrating?

Ok…enough of that…let’s move on to the weekly run-down, quarantine style. 


The kids and I drove down to the beach and got settled. It feels good to be here (Emerald Isle, NC). I think we all asked ourselves if we can do this for a month. It will be weird and different, but I sure hope the sunshine, salt air and ocean can provide us a sense of calm. Once we were settled, I got busy planning my week with clients and working on some upcoming programs I hope to offer. 

Monday - Friday

Each day looked and felt fairly similar. It felt important to create some sort of routine. Every morning, I got up early in order to enjoy breakfast and tea. Then I led a Facebook live workout from 7-7:40am. I enjoyed it so much and the best part was I got my workout in each day before the kids woke up. 

Once the class was over, I FaceTimed my clients to lead them in their workouts and then focused on creating content for social media and other projects. I am learning to edit videos. That is a real special treat. Let me be clear, I am decent at telling people to squat and count backwards from 10. I am not good at recording and editing a video of me doing the squats. Insert my favorite hashtag #shitaintright

The other parts of the day included helping the kiddos get adjusted to their new normal for school, distance learning. I hope this gets easier over time. Like many of you, I kind felt like I had many a parent fails this week. 

One great thing happened for my kids this week. They did yoga and meditation using zoom. I was pumped for them and was so happy it was offered to them. I am hopeful this will be a regular of the distance learning routine.




This afternoon, I walked and even got a little jog in on the beach with the pup. It was truly wonderful to have a little pep in the step today. As you know I have been recovering from plantar fasciitis. I am not 100% recovered. While away, I am continuing with physical therapy exercises but will miss the manual work the therapist offers. It will be great to resume that when life gets back to normal. 

Ozzy made it to the beach.

Saturday afternoon I had some fun by having my own dance party. I spent hours trying to learn the Jlo halftime show routine. If you google Parris Goebel Choreography - Superbowl 2020, you will see a quick 30 second video. However, it takes much longer than 30 seconds to learn. This middle-aged momma is trying to learn this and not throw her back out. My kids were incredibly entertained. Tok Tok, here I come.

Looking into next week…

I am excited to have my whole family together now. Matt and Ozzy (our dog) joined us Friday. Here is hoping we continue to get into a better routine that will work for everyone. For now, I will enjoy offering classes and working with clients as well as walks (maybe little jogs) on the beach. I will definitely report back to you on how I WILL NOT eat as much ice cream next week. 

Please know I a sending all of you a lot of love and safe wishes. Please know if there is anything I can do to support you, I am here for you.

Please share your challenges and victories with me.

Be well. XO


I am linking up with Kim and Deb for the Weekly Run Down.

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Online Community Resources: Updated 4/8


Sundays with Stephanie-Keep Calm and Prep Like Heck