When training for running races or triathlons, a phrase one hears from a coach is “trust the process.”

You put in hours of training, quality sleep, good nutrition and while there are a few things you can control, there are always a lot of things you can’t control on a race day.

Hopefully, you have prepared as best you can, you have planned out your day and are mentally prepared. While you have an outcome in mind, ultimately you have to surrender the outcome.

For the last several weeks, many of you know that I have been diligently developing a program for my business called Strong, Mindful, Feisty Females Over 40. The process over the last 8 weeks has been intense, enlightening and has been a period of tremendous growth for me both on a personal and professional level.

Like training for races, then surrendering the outcome, this process of crafting a product is like training and ultimately, I will need to surrender the outcome to what it will be. All I can do is be as prepared as possible and have all my ducks in a row. I have to trust that my work and intentions will line up and that this program will serve the women who seek this information.

I was thinking today on my run about how “trusting the process” can be something we practice on our health and wellness journey. So many of us may start to make our exercise more regimented or be more aware of our food intake and with that, we have desired outcomes. We may want to reach a number on a scale or be a certain size in our clothes or have our bodies look a certain way.

Heaven knows I sure wish I could achieve a few of these goals.

But I wonder, what would happen if I just ate well and exercised because ultimately, I know it is good for me and surrendered any kind of the desired outcome? Would I just feel better? Would I be happy with myself?

My plan is to put this into practice for myself and will encourage my training clients as well as the women who participate in my class to trust the process and surrender the outcome. I can’t wait to report back to you in the coming months about what we learn.

Caterpillars turn into butterflies without worrying about their patterns, colors on their wings or how big their wings will be. They just do their thing and #trusttheprocess. #timetofly

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.


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