It’s me, hi, I’m the trainer its me…

 Hello ladies! I hope 2024 is being good to you and that you are healthy and happy.  It feels so wonderful to be writing to you all after a very long hiatus from running SMF. It’s time to bring back the blogs, the newsletters, the community and so much more.

Here is what I have been up to this past year.

In January 2023, I took a full-time job (after 17 years of being a stay-at-home mom with 9 of those years running SMF).  This past year has been really incredible. It has been filled with so many emotions as well as growth and learning that I never dreamt possible.

What I am most proud of is that I kept the promise to myself of being authentically and unapologetically myself in the workplace. Whether it was being high-fiving, fist-bumping co-workers or having jazz hands and high-kicking in the hallway, I said my truth, pushed back on things that did not make sense, fought for the things I believed in and stood up for myself when needed. I felt strong and fearless.

I know that the ability to show up as my truest self was due in large part to what I was able to co-create with you all over the years with SMF. You all were a part of my growth and evolution. Thank you so much for all your support over the years. SMF is now 10 years old. (Can we just say that 10 years flew by in a blink?)

While I have loved my job, I told myself that at my one-year anniversary, there would be a time to reflect and re-evaluate to see how I felt. What I know with certainty is that I deeply miss serving, working and being with this community of strong, mindful and FEARLESS women. The only reason I paused SMF was to experiment with the full-time/work for someone else thing to see if it resonated with me like it did many years ago. It has been wonderful and I love the amazing humans I serve, but as I mentioned, I miss this community. There is still room for growth and learning, inspiration and motivation, creation and soaring together!

I have exciting news! I am slowly transitioning back to SMF on a part-time basis. Presently, I am seeing clients in the evenings and this has been magic.

To this end, I am launching a monthly membership because what I’ve heard from many is that they want to have accountability and support, along with community, through midlife and beyond. What I love about this is that I am marrying the things that mean the most to me together: movement, mindfulness and menopause education from the perspective of a wellness/fitness professional.

The SMF Membership offers these experiences monthly : 

  • 1 personal training session (in person or virtually) tailored to YOU

  • 1 four-week SMF workout plan to keep you strong, mobile, and flexible

  • 1 mindful practice (audio recording) to stay grounded

  • 1 SMF membership call to stay connected (via zoom)

  • 1 SMF pre-recorded wellness/fitness presentation to keep you informed

  • Access to SMF community forum to provide support, motivation, and friendship

You are invited you to join to be a part of this experience that has been years in the making. I’m keeping it simple so we can transform together. Memberships are being offered at the 3, 6, and 12-month levels! You can check them out here.

3 month: $399 ($133/month paid in full at start)

6 month: $720 ($120/month paid in full at start)

12 month: $1200 ($100/mo paid in full at start)

My hope is to co-create a community that we can grow and change with while supporting one another during our midlife era. 

Let’s do this! It’s our time!

High fives, fist bumps, hugs and jazz hands…


P.S. The SMF Over 40 Course will be offered soon in person and online. Stay tuned for those details. So exciting!

Stephanie Mitchell

Personal Trainer for women going through the menopause transition.

Make Yourself a Priority with Attainable Goals


Good Grief